08 Oct

Baby’s home: what next

Entertaining and informative blog from a new dad about taking baby home ends with great quote “Being a new dad is a bit like getting a new best friend. And like all friendships, the more you put in to it, the more you get out.”

Baby’s home: what next.

30 Sep

Mantenatal course in Cambridge

There are places available on a Mantenatal dads-only antenatal workshop that I am running on Saturday morning 22nd November in Cambridge. This is a great way for expectant dads to meet other dads and explore pregnancy, birth and early parenting from their point of view. A dad who came this Saturday said “It was great being a male focussed relaxed environment, I don’t know why more people don’t offer this!” Expectant dads can book through the NCT website – link below – please pass on to anyone you think might be interested, thanks Jenny x


http://www.nct.org.uk/course/22506048Mantenatal course in Cambridge for due dates from mid December to end January – 5G/C1132 | NCT.

22 May

Father forgive me?

Really powerful blog from a dad about how he feels he was treated by health professionals – this is really sad, I was in a class with some expectant dads this week and we were talking about dads being part of the team – all they want is to be acknowledged as that.


Father forgive me?.