‘Baby Quake’ For New Parents.
New research about couple relationships after having a baby – makes sad reading but antenatal classes can I believe really help couples work through some of these issues in pregnancy
New research about couple relationships after having a baby – makes sad reading but antenatal classes can I believe really help couples work through some of these issues in pregnancy
Very moving – 2 dads share the experience of miscarriage from their perspective – really important to remember that it affects dads too.
Really useful app from the Red Cross for expectant or new mums and dads
Really interesting, and sad, blog about a dads experiences of going along to an antenatal appointment with his partner
Really useful information about how to go about registering your baby after they are born
This is a lovely new book to explain pregnancy to small children but I think it is great for expectant mums too – particularly like the picture of the couples at an antenatal class! You can see the whole
book by clicking on the preview at the bottom of the page
Radio 4 program about choosing names – including input from couples attending an NCT class – worth a listen big decision for any expectant parent
Great tip we always try to welcome pregnant mums to Bumps and Babes which I help to run as an NCT volunteer. We meet 10-12 at the Eatons Children’s Centre on a Thursday – so if you are on maternity leave or free then and pregnant come and join us 🙂
Really interesting piece about positions for labour – another one of the things I always try and explore in classes
Dads at Yahoo are now to get 8 weeks paid paternity leave – should other companies now follow their lead?
Marissa Mayer raises the stakes by offering Yahoo dads eight weeks of paid paternity leave – Quartz.